Two english sestets segueing into syntuit, by Larry Chamberlin, 16 March 2016
Unquenched fire under a deluge;
pouring cool love onto hot coal
has not provided a refuge,
the fever burns out of control,
desire leads to conflagration,
even cold hands sear sensation.
Tongues of fire lick at heated ice,
as, consumed within brilliance,
night manifests through swollen eyes;
this room lends no resilience,
light rejects even the threshold,
which you crossed as all had foretold
never again to return
leaving me alone
in surprising cold twilight
now truly burned out.
An English sestet is a six line poem with eight syllables per line in the rhyme scheme A-B-A-B-C-C
A syntuit is a 17 syllable three-line poem without rhyme generally distributed into 5-7-5 syllable lines. Where the senryu and haiku tend to be observational, the syntuit is reflective, expressive or abstract. There is no restriction as to subject and there is not a requirement for a link to nature or season. A segue does not fall into any form category.
© 16 March 2016 Larry Chamberlin, Chamberlin Law & Mediation